What is a domain name?
It is paid yearly and the investment may vary based on the domain extension.
You may buy a .com domain, which covers one or more commercial activities. Another option might be .eu domain which is also cheaper.
Documents might be required in order to register a regional domain name like .bg for instance, and the price might be a few times higher, comparing to other domain names.
Why should I be concerned with the domain renewal?
The domain expires an year after its registration. You may rely on us buying and renewing the domain name. Of course our clients may buy and renew domains on their own.
it is important that the renewal takes place before the date of expiration in order to avoid site or E-mail malfunctioning.
Renewing the domain on a later stage may reflect with additional taxes and difficulties to retain the ownership of the latter.
Which domain name is suitable for my business?
A suitable domain for your business might be one, which shall be easy to remember, and which you may afford to maintain. We shall consult you regarding the domain name, buy it and renew it for you.